
Peluang Bisnis

Bisnis dengan Marketing sederhana namun Hasilnya sangat Luar Biasa.

Peluang Bisnis

Didukung satu Produk yang Luar Biasa.

Peluang Bisnis

Ionic Silver GT, Satu Produk Multi Manfaat.

Peluang Bisnis

Ionic Silver GT, Produk Luar biasa Khasiat Mendunia.

Peluang Bisnis

Bisnis dengan Marketing sederhana namun Hasilnya sangat Luar Biasa.


Bagaimana Cara mengatasi Sesak Nafas/Asma?...

Asma bronkial..gejala dan penyebab..
Asma adalah kondisi kronis (umumnya terkait dengan manusia, tetapi juga kontroversial yang didiagnosis di housepets seperti kucing) melibatkan sistem pernapasan di mana saluran napas kadang-kadang mengalamai konstriksi, meradang, dengan jumlah lendir yang berlebihan, sering di sebabkan oleh satu atau lebih pemicu. Episode ini mungkin dipicu oleh hal-hal seperti terpapar alergen seperti udara dingin, udara hangat, parfum, udara lembab, olahraga atau tenaga, atau stres emosional. Pada anak-anak, yang paling sering memicu adalah penyakit virus seperti yang menyebabkan penyempitan saluran udara cold.Hal ini sering menyebabkan gejala seperti mengi, sesak napas, sesak dada, dan batuk. Penyempitan saluran napas merespon bronkodilator.

Asma bronkial adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling umum pada anak-anak. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan asma belum diteliti dalam populasi pedesaan. Serangan asma bronkial terutama datang pada pada pagi hari ketika pasien tiba-tiba terbangun dengan perasaan ketakutan dan panik. Dia terbangun dengan tiba-tiba sangt sulit bernafas. Dia mungkin terburu-buru untuk membuka jendela untuk mengambil udara segar dalam, karena menjadi sulit untuk bernapas di ruang tertutup. Serangan itu dapat berlangsung selama beberapa jam atau dalam beberapa kasus untuk beberapa hari sebelum mereda, dan, pada tahap awal penyakit, pasien merasa normal setelah serangan itu. Dalam kasus kronis asthmma pasien penderita asma memperoleh tampilan khas - wajah pucat dan badan kurus (sangat tipis dan kekurangan gizi).

Gejala Asma bronkial
Terutama, asma dimanifestasikan oleh penyempitan saluran pernafasan yang tiba-tiba dan berkepanjangan, yang lebih penting, ketika mengeluarkan nafas; gejala ini mengakibatkan hiperinflasi. Kapasitas total paru (TLC), kapasitas residu fungsional (FRC), dan volume residu (RV) meningkat.

Gejala dapat terjadi secara spontan atau dapat dipicu oleh infeksi saluran pernafasan udara dingin, asap rokok atau polutan lain, stres atau kecemasan, atau oleh alergi makanan atau alergi obat. Otot-otot dari pohon bronkus menjadi ketat dan lapisan saluran udara menjadi bengkak, mengurangi aliran udara dan menghasilkan suara tersengal-sengal. Produksi lendir meningkat.

Kecuali dalam kasus yang parah, gejala sesekali. Durasi dan keparahan gejala asma sangat bervariasi dari waktu ke waktu dan dari pasien ke pasien. Gejala mungkin sebentar-sebentar, dan mereka dapat berlangsung hanya beberapa menit atau hari. Pada kasus yang parah, mungkin gejala konstan dan persisten.

Gejala asma dapat dibawa oleh puluhan hal yang berbeda, dan apa yang menyebabkan asma flare-up di satu orang mungkin tidak repot-repot lagi sama sekali. Hal-hal yang memicu gejala asma disebut pemicu.

Penyebab Asma bronkial
Asma disebabkan oleh peradangan pada saluran udara. Ketika serangan asma terjadi, otot-otot sekitar saluran udara menjadi ketat dan lapisan saluran udara membengkak. Hal ini akan mengurangi jumlah udara yang dapat melewati, dan dapat mengakibatkan suara mengi.

Paparan berbagai iritasi pekerjaan (misalnya, uap, debu, gas, asap, asap tembakau, polusi udara) juga dapat memperburuk atau menyebabkan asma.
Penelitian tentang mutasi genetik menjelaskan pada sifat sinergis mutasi beberapa jalur fisiologi asma, terutama yang terkait dengan peran platelet-activating hydrolyses faktor, agen menetralisir intrinsik platelet-activating factor pada manusia yang paling (ALA Utah, 2000).

Ionic silver gt dapat mengobati asma bronkial anda dengan aman..
Suplemen Koloid perak dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penderita asma. Menurut Tim Yahudi Penelitian Medis Nasional, perak koloid dan sifat anti-bakteri dapat mengobati dan membunuh bakteri di paru-paru pasien asma. Penelitian tim menegaskan bahwa bakteri tidak menyebabkan disfungsi paru-paru pada penderita asma dan oleh karena itu, suplemen koloid perak bisa menjadi terobosan dalam memerangi bakteri


Apa kata Mereka?...

Berikut ini adalah Kesaksian ionic silver gt. tulisan dibawah ini tidak ada unsur rekayasa tetapi nyata benar adanya.

jari kaki saya luka akibat tergencet meja, sampai2 jari kaki rusak, dengan diobati oleh obat yg umum dipakai, tetap tidak kunjung sembuh malah luka semakin membasah, setelah teman saya memberikan beberapa kali semprotan ionicsilver, alhamdulillah hari ke-2 luka telah kering, dan sekarang waktunya menjalankan system yg diberikan oleh ionicsilvergt dengan produk yang luar biasa,

Pengirim : F 15 GT
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Saya merasakan sendiri bagaimana manfaat IonicSGT bagi saya dan keluarga saya. ISGT bagaikan P3K bagi keluarga, pegel2 semprot 5 menit insya Allahsembuh, diare, maag akut, yg lebih hebat lagi saya sudah pake kacamata 15 tahun dengan minus 2.5 + cylinder, setelah pemakaian 10 hari lepass kacamata tinggal minus 1.5 + cyledresnya hilang. Subhanallah Walhamdulillah.

Pengirim : HASNAWATI

Pengirim : Andrian Syamsuri
Pada bulan April 2011 saya bertemu dengan seorang kawan bernama Gun Gun Gunari, kami makan malam Tutug Oncom kuliner khas Tasikmalaya, sangat sulit dan tidak jelas dia berbicara, ternyata sudah bertahun -tahun dia menderita Polyp hidung, saya sarankan untuk menggunakan ionicsilvergt 5 semprot pada hidungnya setiap 1 jam, 3 hari kemudian dia telepon "Enaknya Pak Bernafas Lewat Hidung" setelah bertahun -tahun bernafas lewat mulut.... Alhamdulillah.... sungguh luar biasa bermanfaat ionicsilvergt, semoga lebih banyak manfaat lagi bagi masyarakat dalam mengatasi kesehatan...aamiin

seorang teman "Albizar" terkena Kelainan pada Kulit bagian Kepala sudah bebarapa tahun dan susah sekali sembuhnya, hanya menggunakan Ionicsilver gt 3 minggu alhamdulillah sembuh.

ionic silvergt obat yg luar biasa obat ini sebagai dewa penolong

Pengirim : Khaeriah Abduh
3 hari yang lalu anak saya yang berusia 7 bulan terkena disentri, e.e..nya cair dan keluar bercampur darah.Saya langsung ke dokter lalu mendapat obat anti diare dan antibiotik 2 macam.Setelah saya baca dan pelajari kandungan obat ,daya kerjanya dan efek sampingnya , saya menjadi ragu dan tidak jadi saya minumkan ke anak kami.Akhirnya saya putuskan tuk memberinya IONICSILVERGT 1/2 sloky...selanjutnya saya semprotkan tiap 2-3 jam .Alhamdulillah,ternyata melalui Ionicsilvergt ..penyakit anak saya teratasi dengan Izin ALLAH SWT.Syukran Ionicsilvergt.

Pengirim : Eka Erdiansyah N
Gejala ibu rumah tangga, kutu air pada sela jari kaki yang mengelupas, matang dan tersa perih. Syukur alhamdulilah, ibu rumah tangga (Erni Juarsih 40 tahun) dengan kepercayaannya akan khasiat IONIC Silver GT dalam pngobatan rutin selama 2hari sembuh, caranya tiap malam sebelum tidur disemprotkan sampai kering dan diulang 3x berturut.

na kesibukan saya sebagai artis sinetron dan penaynyi dangdut yang mempunyai keterbatasan waktu istrahat jadi sempat kami mengalami asam urat dan sering radang pada tenggorokan ,juga sering mata tersa lelah ,tetapi alahmdulilah setelah saya konsumsi ionic penyakit saya beres dan tuntas , memang setahu saya ionic bukan lah obat tetapi justru anti biotik almi yang bisa mengembalikan pungsi saraf dan organ tubuh menjadi baik dan kembali bekerja sehingga organ yng sakit kembali NORMAL dan saya di perkenalkan oinic darp Mr Dedi Nofia dari DUMAI RIAU sedngkan saya beralamat di batam perum griya batu aji asri blok Y3no 21,sei langkai ,kec Sagulung batam,,

Pengirim : Afrizal N
Nama saya Afri nadjamuddin,asal pekanbaru (Riau) saya sangat menderita dengan penyakit bagian lambung (mag)setelah saya meminum ionicsilvergt yang dibawa oleh teman saya sekarang perut saya terasa nyaman . . Terima kasih ionicsilvergt maaaaannnnttap 

 Pengirim : Mr. Raga Wijaya
nama saya ibu Herlis domisili di Sukabumi, saya seorang ibu rumah tangga,sepulang arisan bersama teman ibu ibu yang lain selesai makan lotek saya mengalami kendala kesehatan perut melilit seperti diaduk aduk,buang air besar seperti air got,kalau buang angin saudaranya ikutan,sehari semalam bolak balik kamar mandi badan jadi lemes...serasa ajal sudah dekat,suami belum pulang kerumah...akhirnya sya inisiatif telp suami saya,suami saya bilangmah...itu gejala disentri minumkan saja ISGT(ionicsilvergt),saya ambil cairan ionic tsb saya minum satu tutup botolnya,...Alhamdulilaah dalam waktu satu jam kemudian perut yang serasa di aduk aduk berangsur baik dan pet mampeet tdk muncruut lagi....terima kasih ya allah swt,terima kasih ionicsilvergt...ini memang "AIR AJIIIB" kami stok utk P3K keluarga.

Pengirim : erik sunardi
Cilegon, 30 September 2011 Nama saya : Endang Purwanti Umur : 44 th Ciwandan - Cilegon Saya mengalami nyeri pada lambung sebelah kanan, akibat usus buntu kambuh, awalnya pd th 2009 di sarankan dokter harus di operasi, karena keterbatasan biaya, sehingga hanya diterapi secara non medis dan disarankan untuk konsumsi (Teh herbal dari MLM… ), beberapa hari yg lalu, stok teh tersebut habis, jadi saya kebingungan, karena terjadi nyeri lagi lambung ku sebelah kanan, suamiku menyarankan untuk minum IONICSILVERGT yg baru di kenalkan temen suamiku, Awalnya saya tidak percaya, tapi suamiku menyakinkan secara terus menerus, akhirnya aku semprotkan pada mulut ternyata pada hitungan hari Alhamdulillah Yaa.. Allah … terimakasih lambung saya terasa nyaman dan tidak nyeri lagi... sampai saat ini. dan akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk selalu tersedia IONICSILVERGT di rumah, ionicsilvergt.... memang dahsyat... luar biasa. buktikan sendiri khasiatnya....!!! 


Pengirim : Drs. Suwito Mujari
Ionic Bikin Cespleng, ortu saya sakit gigi tak semprotke ping telu, langsung beberapa menit keluhan giginya Alhamdulillaah...sudah hilang. Juga saat aku sariawan eh...langsung paginya Alhamdulillaah... sari awan serna makan jadi nyaman.

Pengirim : Anisa Bt Nurhadi
Saya adalah ibu rumah tangga, memiliki 2 putra. tinggal di Cilegon Banten. saya menggunakan ionicsilvergt sebagai alas bedak... yang saya rasakan setelah memakainya kurang lebih 1 minggu, kulit pipi saya terasa lebih kencang dan suami saya bilang pipi saya jadi berwarna merah jambu kaya gadis yg tersipu malu he he he. terimakasih pada Tuhan yg telah mengirim ionicsilvergt melalui suami saya... produknya bim salabim

Pengirim : agus fitrianto
Penyebab Gagal di MLM adalah: 1. Terlalu banyak iming-iming 2. Produk yang tumpang tindih (kebanyakan produk bikin bingung konsumen) 3. Harus kejar peringkat 4. Harus tutup poin (sudah cape membina mitra suruh jualan pula) 5. bonus terlalu lama di bayarkan (Sementara operasional dll terus berjalan, pas terima bonus nombok deh) 6. Merketing plan yang terlalu ribet (perhitungan bonus rumit sehingga sulit di perkirakan, ujung-ujungnya nombok lagi) Tapi..... di IONICSILVERGT semua itu dihilangkan. saatnya anda menjalankan MLM dengan marketing plan yang sederhana,bisnis yang dapat mewujudkan impian anda. "cari duit tanpa rebet dan ga ribut2"

Pengirim : dr. Sabriani

Pengirim : PAIGAH
saya bu paigah40 th dari pekanbaru,saya sering mengalami sakit perut ,kalau lagi kumat sakitnya luar biasa,setelah saya mengkomsumsi ionicsilver gt,AlHAMDULLILLAH sakit perut saya tdk kumat lagi,migren di kepala saya juga hilang ntah kemana,ionicsilvergt luar biasa manfaat dan kegunaannya trima kasih ionicsilvergt :D ...................................

Pengirim : Gatot Emantoro
Terkadang masalah kebersihan telinga suka agak terlupakan, sampai telinga itu teriak sendiri dengan rasa gatal yang terkadang ga tahan.. saking hot-nya bersihin sampai-sampai setelah itu telinga sebelah dalam sakit banget rasanya, mungkin luka atau apalah itu.. yang pasti, kecolek dikit aja daun telinga rasanya sakit luar biasa.. Tapi jangan kuatir, hal sepele seperti itu cuma sekali semprot IonicSilverGT malem sebelum tidur.. paginya 90% rasa sakit itu hilang.. kasus kecil siiihhh.. tapi....Alhamdulillah..

Pengirim : GALAXY
saya termasuk pecandu kopi tapi sudah lama di tinggalkan karena maagnya selalu sakit tapi setelah gabung dengan IONICSILVERGT saya coba minum kopi kembali dan aahaii.....sakit lagi lambungnya langsung saja saya ambil si mungil yg selalu di bawa di kantong dengan beberapa kali crat crot di telan......dan sakitnya langsung hilang........Alhamdulilah memang luar biasa IONICSILVERGT.....

Teman seperjalanan dari Cirebon menuju Jakarta, tidak henti-hentinya bersin. saya kira sedang flu berat, ternyata dia mengidap sinusitis cukup berat. saya menawarkan ionicsilverGT untuk disemprotkan ke dalam hidung, dan atas saran pak Efris, teman saya disarankan untuk menggunakan ionicsilverGT setiap jam. Alhamdulillah, seminggu kemudian, teman saya menghubungi saya, bahwa sinusitisnya sembuh dalam jangka 3 hari

Pengirim : andi sofiyandi
Alhamdulilah Dengan pengobatan yang sangat-sangat sederhana hanya disemprot-semprot saja Minus mata saya berkurang masing-masing mata kanan & kiriya menurun 3mn Dalam hitungan bulan terima kasih ionicsilverGT semoga senantiasa jaya selalu dan dapat menolong lebih banyak orang lagi.



Pengirim : Ahmad Fauzi
reaksi obat sangat cepat, cukup hitung jam sudah bisaaa di rasakan ionic memang ampuh

Pengirim : Afrizal N
Nama saya Afri nadjamuddin,asal pekanbaru (Riau) saya sangat menderita dengan penyakit bagian lambung (mag)setelah saya meminum ionicsilvergt yang dibawa oleh teman saya sekarang perut saya terasa nyaman . . Terima kasih ionicsilvergt maaaaannnnttap

na kesibukan saya sebagai artis sinetron dan penaynyi dangdut yang mempunyai keterbatasan waktu istrahat jadi sempat kami mengalami asam urat dan sering radang pada tenggorokan ,juga sering mata tersa lelah ,tetapi alahmdulilah setelah saya konsumsi ionic penyakit saya beres dan tuntas , memang setahu saya ionic bukan lah obat tetapi justru anti biotik almi yang bisa mengembalikan pungsi saraf dan organ tubuh menjadi baik dan kembali bekerja sehingga organ yng sakit kembali NORMAL dan saya di perkenalkan oinic darp Mr Dedi Nofia dari DUMAI RIAU sedngkan saya beralamat di batam perum griya batu aji asri blok Y3no 21,sei langkai ,kec Sagulung batam,,

Pengirim : Eka Erdiansyah N
Gejala ibu rumah tangga, kutu air pada sela jari kaki yang mengelupas, matang dan tersa perih. Syukur alhamdulilah, ibu rumah tangga (Erni Juarsih 40 tahun) dengan kepercayaannya akan khasiat IONIC Silver GT dalam pngobatan rutin selama 2hari sembuh, caranya tiap malam sebelum tidur disemprotkan sampai kering dan diulang 3x berturut.

Pengirim : Khaeriah Abduh
3 hari yang lalu anak saya yang berusia 7 bulan terkena disentri, e.e..nya cair dan keluar bercampur darah.Saya langsung ke dokter lalu mendapat obat anti diare dan antibiotik 2 macam.Setelah saya baca dan pelajari kandungan obat ,daya kerjanya dan efek sampingnya , saya menjadi ragu dan tidak jadi saya minumkan ke anak kami.Akhirnya saya putuskan tuk memberinya IONICSILVERGT 1/2 sloky...selanjutnya saya semprotkan tiap 2-3 jam .Alhamdulillah,ternyata melalui Ionicsilvergt ..penyakit anak saya teratasi dengan Izin ALLAH SWT.Syukran Ionicsilvergt.

Jika ada diantara Anda, Keluarga, Saudara Anda menderita suatu penyakit dan keluhan kesehatan yang sudah terbukti seperti diatas, Anda dapat hubungi kami di fasilitas chating / ym di bawah halaman ini. Mungkin kami bisa Bantu mengatasi keluhan penyakit Anda?


Inilah Rahasia Ionic silver GT POWERFULL membunuh Virus

As the nation watches and waits to see if HN51, commonly called bird flu or avian flu, will become a threat to humans, and firms are scrambling to hopefully develop a cure before there’s even anything to target or conduct tests with, it appears that a new form of ionic silver may already be providing us with a remarkably effective treatment for not only a bird flu pandemic that may or may not occur but also an enormous range of infectious diseases that are a very real part of our world today.
The fact is that the medical field has yet to prove itself able to deal effectively with virtually any virus, let alone a new one that does not even yet exist. Yet a rapidly growing phenomenon is taking place wherein ionic silver is emerging as the new antimicrobial wonder in dealing with bacterial as well as, yes, viral conditions too, both in medicine and in industry.
A Respected Antimicrobial and More
Ionic silver was actually a commonly-used antimicrobial 100 years ago, before the advent of modern antibiotics, which only address bacteria and are becoming largely obsolete while posing risks related to resistant super-germs. Ionic silver is increasingly being recognized for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial qualities and the fact that it presents virtually none of the side-effects related to antibiotics. Ionic silver is entirely non-toxic to the body. Research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has shown that some resistant strains of disease cannot develop with ionic silver the way that they will with antibiotics. Reports of any pathogens developing resistance to ionic silver are rare. Some reports indicate it even kills drug-resistant strains of germs.
Ionic silver is also a powerful tissue-healing agent, so much so that it has been used topically for decades in burn centers and currently represents one of the fastest growing sectors – if not the fastest growing sector – in wound care today.
The fact that ionic silver is effective against a very broad range of bacteria is well established and, due to recent advances in the delivery of ionic silver, together with the problems associated with antibiotics, it is being used in a rapidly growing range of dietary-supplement, medical, and industrial products. Illustrating how serious this trend is, in a report published in April 2006 by Chemical & Engineering News about a new method from Nexxion for applying ionic-silver coating to catheters, IV needles, and other medical devices, the chief technical officer of the company is quoted as saying, “To date, no pathogens have been able to survive contact with silver.”1
And that product is just the tip of the iceberg.
AcryMed also recently announced FDA approval of its product SilvaGard, a silver-nanotechnology coating to protect medical devices from bacteria. The company stated, “Ionic silver has been long recognized and used as a highly effective antimicrobial.”2
Covalon is a manufacturer that has introduced an antimicrobial silver-ion releasing, collagen-based sheet dressing for wound care. In January 2006, the president of the company is quoted as having said, “In the wound dressings market, silver dressings growth outperforms all others in the category.”3
Curad and Johnson & Johnson bandages are now available to the consumer with ionic silver actually impregnated into the gauze so as to destroy bacteria.4 In the medical field, another company, AgION has stated that, “Today silver is a key ingredient in new high-tech, powder coated finishes that hospitals and doctors’ offices are using to protect walls, counters and other germ-gathering surfaces.”
Others are jumping on the bandwagon. Samsung recently introduced a clothes-washing machine that they claim kills 99% of bacteria in cold water by using ionic silver.5 Sharper Image has a line of slippers and pillows that have ionic silver incorporated into the fabric to prevent odor-causing bacteria. Containers for food storage are now being impregnated with ionic silver to prevent bacterial growth that contributes to spoilage. Writing pens, bath mats, cutting boards, and door knobs are being coated with ionic silver to prevent bacteria from being spread. Water-treatment facilities that service hospitals use silver ions. And that is still just the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on and on, and is growing faster every week.
Is It Also Antiviral?
It is noteworthy that the above quotes illustrate that ionic silver is often referred to as having “antimicrobial” qualities, rather than just “antibacterial” qualities.
This is a very important distinction because many diseases that affect human beings today – and bird flu if it should ever become a pandemic in the future – all involve “viral” pathogens, not bacteria. And the medical community truly has nothing that will reliably combat viral pathogens. While the push is on for a “vaccine,” there is enormous controversy as to the efficacy and safety of existing vaccines, let alone one that has yet to be developed, if ever. Nothing that exists today in our efforts to fight common modern-day viral conditions suggests we should expect any miracles.
Using ionic silver as a preventative, a treatment, or both may very well prove to be, if not a miracle, perhaps a major stride in shifting the tide in our favor.
In Europe, ionic silver is recognized as an accepted treatment for viral conditions. Walk into a pharmacy in Europe and tell them you’ve been diagnosed with a cold or flu – which is viral in nature – and they will look in their desk reference and find a number of silver-ion compounds or complexes listed as remedies to sell you. It seems the United States is finally catching on. A study at the University of Arizona recently showed ionic silver to be effective against the coronavirus that researchers use as the surrogate for SARS.6 A study out of the University of Texas reportedly suggested ionic silver may be effective against HIV-1, and researchers expect it may be shown effective against other viruses and bacteria as well. "We're testing against other viruses and the 'super bug (Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus),' said Miguel Jose Yacaman, from University of Texas, Department of Engineering and one of the study's authors. “Our preliminary results indicate that silver nanoparticles can effectively attack other micro-organisms."7
It would make sense that this would be the case since the “antimicrobial” effect of ionic silver is recognized to be extremely broad-spectrum when applied to bacterial and fungal pathogens including mold and yeast. Indeed, it would also make sense that silver would be antiviral since it is clearly recognized to be highly effective against essentially every other class of pathogen. Phrases like “antimicrobial” and “no pathogens survive” are apparently intended to be quite broad in scope. And the mechanisms of action that make ionic silver effective as an antimicrobial are apparently unique enough to support it.
According to AgION, “Ancient Egyptians used it to keep food supplies safe from fungus and mold.” A press release by Curad quoted Philip M. Tierno, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at New York University Medical Center and author of The Secret Life of Germs (Atria Books 2004), as stating, “Silver is a natural antibacterial that works by killing bacteria, fungi and yeast by interfering with the metabolism necessary for respiration of these microbes. It fights germs with much less fear of developing antibiotic resistance.”8
A representative of AgION stated in a recent press release, “Silver has multiple mechanisms of action. Use of silver as an antimicrobial is therefore unlikely to promote antibiotic resistance.”
The FDA has regulations that prohibit the manufacturer of any product from making “disease” claims unless the product has been approved for “drug” use (the definition of a drug is any product sold for treating a disease). Since virtually any presence of a viral pathogen in the human body will by definition be disease related, it is unlikely we would be seeing any product promoted as an antiviral until the tedious and extremely expensive process of FDA drug approval was completed – a seriously-flawed process that has seen deadly drugs like Vioxx approved while beneficial ones languish in limbo.
A search on the Internet, however, will turn up literally thousands of testimonials reporting viral conditions across a very broad range being successfully treated with ionic-silver products such as the outdated but still popular colloidal silver. It is very plausible, if not highly likely, that before long ionic silver will emerge as the recognized solution for the vast majority of viral conditions.
Delivery for Systemic Human Use
Back 100 years ago, major pharmaceutical firms made ionic silver products for systemic human use in the form of what is loosely referred to as “colloidal” silver, a very crude and archaic substance that did the job of delivering silver ions decently for its time. But after the advent of far more profitable antibiotics and the change of the laws in the 1930s when the FDA as we know it today was formed, silver fell out of favor.
In recent decades, colloidal silver has seen a resurgence in popularity, but primarily in the alternative- or natural-medicine field, or when sold as a dietary supplement. Meanwhile, important advances in the field of ionic-silver delivery, most notably with the Opti-Silver technology, are rapidly rendering colloidal silver obsolete. A new, patented technology, this special form of ionic silver apparently represents a major breakthrough in the delivery of ionic silver for systemic, or internal, human use.
In this regard, there are two pivotal questions to be considered: (1) whether silver ions kill viral pathogens; and (2) the method of delivery for systemic human use.
From my perspective, the question of whether ionic silver kills viral pathogens has been answered in the resounding affirmative. It seems that only the tedious process of FDA drug approval – or perhaps a major clinical study that is planned on Opti-Silver hitting the media – is needed before it becomes common knowledge.
Even if silver ions are effective against viral pathogens, the delivery mechanism for use in the human body becomes the key issue. All of the products on the market today that utilize ionic silver for its antimicrobial and tissue-healing qualities incorporate some kind of deliberate delivery mechanism in order to provide for a controlled release of silver ions at the rate that is desired. This delivery mechanism varies relative to the environment where the ionic silver is being used and relative to the rate of release that is desired. In each case, the medium is a factor; and, far more importantly, the complexing or compounding agent used to release the silver ion is a factor.
Our growing understanding of this area of controlled delivery has contributed greatly to the increase in the number of products using ionic silver for antimicrobial purposes. The New York Times stated in a December 2005 article, “Silver, one of humankind's first weapons against bacteria, is receiving new respect for its antiseptic powers, thanks to the growing ability of researchers to tinker with its molecular structure.”9 What this refers to is the deliberate formation of molecular structures that will release silver ions in the given environment at the desired rate.
The same article goes on to say, “But silver's time-tested – if poorly understood – versatility as a disinfectant was overshadowed in the latter half of the 20th century by the rise of antibiotics. Now, with more and more bacteria developing resistance to antibiotic drugs, some researchers and healthcare entrepreneurs have returned to silver for another look. This time around, they are armed with nanotechnology, a fast-developing collection of products and skills that helps researchers deploy silver compounds in ways that maximize the availability of silver ions – the element's most potent form. Scientists also now have a better understanding of the weaknesses of their microbial adversaries.”
This need for a delivery mechanism to maximize availability is all the more demanding when attempting delivery of ionic silver in the human body, due to the aggressive and fluctuating electrochemical environment the human organism presents. The common substances listed in the pharmacist’s desk reference in Europe, for instance, may work marginally well but lack an efficient delivery mechanism and therefore fail to unlock the potential of what ionic silver might be capable of doing in the human body to kill germs.
The patented Opti-Silver technology, which its maker Invision International says is the result of years of research and development, is designed to optimize the delivery of silver ions in the human body. While the patent covers a broad range of substances, the company has chosen to use citrate as the complexing agent, and potassium as the counter-ion for maximum stability, in the water-based dietary-supplement formulation it currently sells under the brand name of Silver 100. The recommended usage is entirely safe – the maximum recommended daily amount introduces less silver to the body than may be contained in an individual’s ordinary drinking-water intake, with the difference being that it is intended to be released as activated ions. It consists of all-natural nanotechnology.10
Treatment of Hepatitis B and C
I myself have had a patient come into my office at the Institute of Advanced Medicine who was diagnosed as having both hepatitis B and C. The blood work that came back from the lab showed the viral load and liver enzymes to be extremely elevated, indicating an advanced condition. The patient, not wanting to be subjected to the Interferon and Ribavirin treatment that was common because of the high risk of side effects and the low incidence of success, chose instead to be put on a 90-day regimen of using Silver 100, at an elevated dosing relative to normal suggested use. Silver 100 is a water-based dietary supplement made by Invision International that contains the Opti-Silver form of ionic silver. At the end of 90 days, the same battery of lab tests showed the blood reading to be 100% normalized, indicating the treatment was highly successful. (See http://www.SilverFacts.com for a write-up of the laboratory work. Note that the patient’s readings elevated again after use of the product was stopped temporarily.)
My experience in seeing patients and others in the public sector use ionic silver for a variety of bacterial and viral conditions over a number of years indicates that this was not a fluke at all but was rather a predictable result of the use of ionic silver.
The makers of Opti-Silver claim that it represents a quantum leap in the delivery of ionic silver for the human body. At present, they themselves, however, make no disease claims for their product.

Silver May Outshine the Threat of Bird Flu
As for the bird flu “threat,” well, there are many theories. While some say a pandemic is inevitable, reasonable arguments are also made that suggest it is far from certain that it will ever be a problem – unless some evil person genetically modifies the organism to actually make it lethal to humans.
Some even speculate that the prospect of bird flu is more of a political issue than a medical one, claiming that it is being used to fan the flames of fear in order to persuade an unwitting public to give up liberties in order to be “protected” by the authorities. That is not my area of expertise. I do find it curious, though, that Tamiflu is still often touted as being the treatment of choice when initial studies to date seem to indicate that it is really not an effective treatment for many viruses, least of all a potential human strain of bird flu. If the stories that say Donald Rumsfeld has a large stake (40% seems most common) in the company that makes it, then that would obviously contribute to the suspicious nature of things. When one thinks of the massive dollars involved, well, one can tend to wonder. Regardless, whether or not bird flu will ever pose a problem to humans is simply speculative at best today.
It seems that perhaps the possible solution to a bird-flu pandemic, if it were to develop, may already exist today in ionic-silver products. And it may be the solution for a lot of things that really need an answer today.
According to Jay Newman, president of Invision, who is a co-member with me on the Committee for the Responsible Use of Silver in Health, hosted at www.SilverFacts.com, he was told a few years ago by the then-director of the largest financial entity in the world that, in her opinion, “The technology behind Opti-Silver has the potential to lead to a billion-dollar company and to make history changing the world of antibiotics, both from a financial point of view and a humanitarian point of view.”
Based upon my personal observations and the proliferation of products coming out in the medical field that use ionic silver, it seems to me that that statement may prove to have been remarkably prophetic. At the least, it would seem that this is a technology worth watching and exploring. Ionic silver may prove to be the answer to not only a bird flu strain that may never emerge but also for a very wide range of infectious diseases that are very real and present threats to the health of the public today.
Herbert Slavin, M.D. is the founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, located in Lauderhill, Florida. He is a member of the Committee for the Responsible Use of Silver in Health, which is hosted at www.SilverFacts.com and at which more information may be found. People with medical concerns should check with their knowledgeable physicians before using any of the products mentioned in this article.

1 “A Silver Bullet For Infections?,” Bethany Halford, Chemical & Engineering News, April 17, 2006, Vol. 84, No. 16 at 35-36, APS Meeting News, http://pubs.acs.org/cen/science/84/8416sci1c.html; see also “Silver Bromide Shines In Bacteria-Fighting Coating,” Bethany Halford, Chemical & Engineering News, Latest News – Nanotechnology, July 12, 2006, http://pubs.acs.org/email/cen/html/072606175805.html.
2 “New Nanotechnology Receives FDA Approval - Setting Stage For New Era In Battle Against Hospital Related Infections,” www.nanotechwire.com, December 12, 2005, http://nanotechwire.com/news.asp?nid=2671; “Nano Silver Fights Infections,” www.PhysOrg.com, August 1, 2005, © 2005 by United Press International, http://www.physorg.com/news5536.html.
3 “Covalon enters into significant international distribution agreement for new antimicrobial and regular collagen-based wound dressings,” Covalon Technologies, Ltd. Press Release, January 12, 2006, http://www.covalon.com/News_Releases/news01120601.aspx.
4 “SILVERCEL™ Antimicrobial Alginate Dressing Protects the Healing Environment With Silver, Johnson & Johnson News, April 13, 2004, found at http://www.jnj.com/news/jnj_news/20040413_120700.htm;jsessionid=TFSIPWC1Z2KKKCQPCCFSZOYKB2IIQNSC
5 “Samsung says washer kills bacteria in cold water,” Reuters, March 23, 2006, http://www.SilverFacts.com/SamsungWasher.html.
6 “University Study Shows Ionic Silver Effective Against SARS; Supports Previous Research Findings on SARS Virus,” BioPortfilio by AgION Technologies, June 13, 2005, http://www.bioportfolio.com/june_05/14_06_2005/University_Study_Shows_Ionic.html.
7 “Study Shows Silver Nanoparticles Attach to HIV-1 Virus,” Syeda Z. Hamdani, www.PhysOrg.com, October 14, 2005, http://www.physorg.com/news7264.html.
8 “Silver Fights Germs Naturally,” Press Release from Curad, October 19, 2004, http://www.SilverFacts.com/CuradLine.html.
9 “Old Curative Gets New Life at Tiny Scale,” Barnaby J. Feder, The New York Times, December 20, 2005, http://www.acrymed.com/NYT%2012-20-05.htm.
110 “Ionic Silver Complex Designed for Antimicrobial Use in Humans Receives U.S. Patent,” Invision International Health Solutions, Inc. Press Release, June 29, 2005, http://news.silverseek.com/SilverSeek/1134013863.php.


Terapi HIV/AIDS dengan ionic silver gt

My name is B. R. and I am a single bisexual male.. I was diagnosed HIV+ by Wishard Hospital here in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Before I was diagnosed HIV+ I was bed ridden with pneumonia for nearly 2 months and almost died. I discovered that I was HIV+ after going to Wishard Hospital sometime after my illness to have a large boil lanced on my back, at which time a nurse asked me if I would like to take a routine HIV blood test and I agreed.
About a week later an older black gentleman named Dave showed up at my door to give me the news that I was HIV+ and asked if I would want to sign on to the Wishard Advantage program which allows HIV+ people to fill protease inhibitor drug prescriptions for only $5.00 per prescription, rather than paying the thousands they would normally cost every 2 months. Of course I went for it.
Well, after being on the meds for about 3 years I began having problems with my pancreas and bladder, experiencing severe pain that would not go away, and I felt very fatigued requiring as much as 12 hours sleep a day. I began to become concerned and searched the internet for stories of people having similar problems and discovered there were, and worse, that some had died from pancreatic cancer as a result of prolonged use of the protease inhibitors. I then resolved to find an alternative form of medicine and again began searching the web.
That was when I read about colloidal silver. I read several blogs about silver that night and decided to give it a try. The next day I went to a local GNC store and bought a bottle of Silver Biotics and began taking the suggested 4 tablespoons per day (1 every 6 hrs.) for HIV+ people. I actually went off my meds that same day. I figured that if I was going to be living in pain the rest of my life, or worse die, then it was worth the gamble.
In less than a week the pain went away and I had alot more energy. Since colloidal silver is non-toxic, I also did an anal douche with it once a week for 3 months during the regimine and would highly suggest that other HIV+ people do the same. The reason is because HIV has been discovered to hide in the fertile growing area of the colon, where it replicates and then passes through the colon walls into the bloodstream in a continous cycle, which is why it is so difficult to treat. The colon is one of main nesting grounds in the body for HIV.
After 6 months of being off my meds and feeling much better I went back to Wishard for another HIV blood test. I never experienced such joy in my life 3 days afterward when I received a phone call from my doctor stating that I was HIV-. When I told my doctor that I had been off my meds for 6 months and on colloidal silver, he was in denial, stating that the test was most likely a false negative and that I should come in for another test. A false negative?! OK, a false positive is one thing, but a false negative? He then went on warning me that I was putting my life in jeopardy by going off my meds, blah, blah, blah...
It has been 1 year and 2 months since I went off my meds. I am still taking silver, but now only 2 teaspoons twice a day, just in case, and I have never felt better. I learned the lesson that doctors are in bed with Big Pharma and are basically closed-minded to alternative medicines, a lesson that once again nearly cost me my life.
If there is a God in heaven then He is certainly looking out for me, or I have nanotechnology to thank. Either way, I have yet another lease on life. ~ B. R., Indianapolis, IN, USA


Cara Kerja IonicsilverGT Terhadap Penderita KUSTA

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